Complete price list
- House call within 3 mile radius of South Capitol –
- New Patient Home Visit $400
- Follow-up Home Visit $325
- Medication Refill: $100
* House call outside of travel radius but within Santa Fe city limits, additional $35; in County, additional $50 (see map).
** Visits after 5pm or on the weekends & federal holidays will incur an additional $100 fee
***New Mexico GRT (Gross Receipts Tax) not included in the prices above.

Iron Infusion | Total cost: $425
IV Iron (200-mg) reliably raises ferritin blood levels, thereby fortifying iron blood levels for anyone prone to iron deficiency anemia and other symptoms of blood iron deficiency.

Furosemide Infusion | Total cost: $425
Patients with heart or kidney problems often retain too much fluid in their bodies and need an extra boost to remove that fluid. When the oral furosemide, isn’t working well enough, IV furosemide can help prevent hospitalization and distress.

Other Infusions | Cost: $100 + cost of medication
With planning we can infuse almost any medication. The cost will depend on the cost of the medicine and time to infuse it safely. Send us an email if you have questions.
* House call outside of travel radius but within Santa Fe city limits ($35) or County ($50) additional fee (see map).
** Visits after 5pm or on the weekends & federal holidays will incur an additional $100 fee
***New Mexico GRT (Gross Receipts Tax) not included in the prices above.
- Ultrasound-guided paracentesis: $600 additional fee
- Steroid Joint Injection: $100 additional fee
- Foley catheter placement: $125 additional fee
- Benign lesion cryotherapy: $30/lesion additional fee
- Skin biopsy: $250 additional fee for procedure, follow up not included
- Wound care: $100 additional fee
- Home lab draw and delivery to lab: $250
- MAID (Medical Aid in Dying) intake: $500
- MAID Services (this does not include the cost of medication, which is paid directly to the pharmacy): $2000
- In home physical therapy visit: $250
* House call outside of travel radius but within Santa Fe city limits ($35) or County ($50) additional fee (see map).
** Visits after 5pm or on the weekends & federal holidays will incur an additional $100 fee
***New Mexico GRT (Gross Receipts Tax) not included in the prices above.
- Phone Consult: $120
- Medication Refill: $100
- Video Consult: $150
- Nurse Blood Draw: $250
* House call outside of travel radius but within Santa Fe city limits ($35) or County ($50) additional fee (see map).
** Visits after 5pm or on the weekends & federal holidays will incur an additional $100 fee
***New Mexico GRT (Gross Receipts Tax) not included in the prices above.