Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!

We started this “business” as a way to simplify the doctor-patient encounter. I remember being a resident in Boston and needing to get a new hospital badge and someone pointed me towards a vast building across the street. My reaction was one of wonder, that there was a building packed with offices and people who were trying to make possible an exchange between a patient and his/her doctor or nurse.

While there is little doubt that hospitals are taking care of complicated patients, requiring a lot of staff, tools and medications, you don’t need that for most visits. You just need time.

By simplifying the interaction, we don’t need to see 40 patients a day in order to make a living. We can provide high quality primary care and spend up to an hour, sometimes more, rather than rushing through a ten minute visit. We have found that by spending the time to go over things with patients, we can easily avoid unnecessary testing and visits to the hospital or emergency room. Keeping patients out of crowded waiting rooms and at home is just a start.

As I like to say, “This is the medicine I thought I was going to be doing when I went to medical school.”

Expert Medical Care That Comes to You!